Sunday, July 7, 2013

Health Is Wealth

Recently, I can't help but feel like a weakling. Tumatanda na kasi. It's a Filipino expression referring that someone is getting oldMy bones and muscles are aching from my lower back to the extremities (arms and legs). That is probably due to the long hours of sitting while de-hulling rice grains. Crap, I've been doing that for two weeks already. The left portion of my abdomen also hurts. And at night, I wake up feeling that my heart is beating painfully slow. Two days ago, I had a bad case of tonsilitis after having a feast of vanilla and chocolate cream puffs. And now, I have colds. I really have to consult a doctor. ASAP!

Yes, I'm blaming age. But twenty six is still young, don't you think? Sometimes, I blame work. But at the end of the day, I realize that it's me and my lifestyle that's causing all these health problems. I am not an active individual. I prefer lying in my bed browsing in my laptop or phone than jogging in the campus. I prefer staying in my poorly ventilated room the whole weekend than going out to breathe fresh air and enjoy the early sunshine. I prefer surfing the internet until late at night than having 7-8 hours of sleep. I prefer eating pork and beef and chicken than eating fish and vegetables. I prefer not drinking water unless I'm feeling the thirst up to my throat already. If there's a prize for a girl with an unhealthy lifestyle, I think, I would have won. 

I'm still young, right? I still have the time and the best thing to do is to start LIVING HEALTHY now! I need to get my butt off and start living an active lifestyle.

Note to self: AJA! You can do it! 

Note to self when feeling lazy: Just do it, you bitch!

---> I still want to include the specific things for my Live Healthy List but I'm running out of time. It's already 10:15 PM. I'd better sleep now. I'll just put them up next time. Good night guys!
Image sources here and here

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