Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Goodbye Month of April

Just a quick post before April ends.

Been very busy in the past few weeks. I needed to redeem myself (once again) in the lab, thus I filled my days and nights with hard work and really focused in my experiment. And I think it is starting to pay off. I've been getting good results lately. Well, what can I say? I'm just a haggard but happy girl!

I'm also now trying to be a one-heck-of-an-organized person. With the help and suggestion of the prof last lab meeting of me writing down the things that I should do and putting it somewhere where I could easily see it to remind myself of the tasks and deadlines. Oh, I think everyone is familiar with it. It's one good old advice but it really struck me. I've been doing it before, you know all that To Do list but I guess I became too familiar and got tired with it and just started to ignore it. But now is the time to take it seriously, those To Do's written in the yellow post it paper using a neon-colored hot pink pen (define colorful, haha).

Okay, time check, 11:55 pm. 5 minutes before 12 midnight. Will be signing out now.

Goodbye April!

Hello May! Please be AMAZING!

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