Wednesday, January 12, 2011

HELLO 2011!

It's been eleven days already since 2011 started. I must say that I am really thankful for all the things that happened to me in the previous year. Going back last December, I received a gift that I've been praying for. Tarah! I was accepted in grad school! Thank you so much God! I'll be starting this Spring. I can't help but feel mixed emotions:
I'm so excited because I've been waiting for this for so long.
And nervous because I'm not sure of how things will go.
And sad because I'll be leaving my family and the country where I grew up...
And stressed out right now because of the requirements needed for visa application, plane ticket, etc.

But one thing's for sure, I need to do my best in this endeavor. Aja!

I think I'll be able to see a lot of this when I get there

But I'll be spending most of my time infront of this

But it's okay. It is what I want. It is my dream.

*It's amazing how time passes by. I am now a year older and hopefully a little bit wiser.=)

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