Wednesday, February 12, 2014

On Dreams and Taking Risks

Ah, it's been a long time! But I'm so glad I am once again back here. I've been quite busy with work and I still don't have a fix internet connection in the apartment, thus the lack of posts. Anyway, we're just a few days away from Valentine's day. Though it will only be a normal Friday for me, no date whatsoever, I still feel a bit excited about it. Just a bit. Haha!

On other matters, I have finally decided to take the take another shot at my dream.

It took me six years to think whether I would pursue it or not. So much happened in my life within that duration but at the end of the day I still find myself wondering about that dream. Then, I came across this quote, If it's still in your mind, it is worth taking the risk. 

Six years. It probably is worth taking the risk. 

It probably is worth pursuing for.

image source here

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