Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy and Blessed

Finally, I was able to pass my review paper to my professor! Hurray! And I must say it's such a relief! After one month of thinking about it --- of what will be the content, the flow, the analysis, everything! It's like I'm carrying a really big burden and it always stresses me out. Every night I go to sleep with a thought in my mind, "How will I write the review? When will I be able to start? When will I finish?" Last Monday, I started to work on it overtime. I usually go out of the lab at 9pm but I stayed there until 12 midnight. The same goes for Tuesday. And last Wednesday, I worked until 2 in the morning. I went to my dormitory at 3am and slept at 4. The next morning, I went to my prof and asked him if I could pass my paper after lunch time. Good thing he said yes. The whole time, I was frantically finishing my paper. And thank God I was able to pass it right on time. And now, it's over! Well, actually it's not really over yet. Hehe. But the fact that I've already shown my work to Prof is like an accomplishment. He told me he's going to submit it in a journal. And because of that, I would need to edit it and make it a little longer. In my mind, I was like, "Oh my, it'll be published in a journal, my very first review article!!! Amazing!" So there, I'll still be working on it these coming days. Hopefully, it'll be good, no, I mean excellent.=)

P.S. I consider this as one of the many blessings happening in my life. I've received so much blessings from God and I will always be grateful to Him. During the tough and hard times, He was there for me. He never gave up on me. I'm not a pefect person, but I hope that I can be the person God has destined me to be. Dear God, may I glorify you in everything that I do.

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