Friday, May 30, 2014

Health Is Wealth

It's already the fifth day that I am sick - colds, cough, feverish feeling, cold chills, headache. Last month, I also experienced this condition. I did self-medication by drinking Bio-flu tablets but this time around, I already consulted a doctor. He said since the infection was not properly treated, it is still in my system and due to my recent activities (traveling and spending three days in an island then traveling again and going straight to work), my immune system was compromised resulting in my current condition. He had given me medicine for my cough and colds and antibiotics for the bacterial infection. Hopefully I'd get better soon. I've been on leave for almost three days already. Argh! I miss my good old healthy self.

Health is definitely wealth!

Lesson learned: As much as possible, avoid self-medicating. First and most important thing to do is consult your doctor.

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