Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One (work) down

Finally done with the abstracts! Yey!  Thank you God! Submitted the two abstracts last Monday. After some minor revisions, the prof then sent the abstracts to the IPMB coordinator yesterday. I just hope it'll be accepted.  Our lab will be opting for the poster presentation.  But poster presentation or oral presentation, I'm okay either way because it's such a pleasure and a great experience to be able to present one's work in front of the international scientific community.

Okay, so one work down.

I still need to write a paper for a "short communication". Plus two more papers and a manuscript (to work at) in the horizon. But I should take it one step at a time. So now, I'll be focusing first on the short comm. paper.

One big shoutout: God bless me and aja!!!

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